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For me to speak of myself or my artwork I must focus on its most motivating element – WOMEN! Whether submissive or dominant, innocent or experienced, my insatiable urge to portray a beautiful woman permeates my life and my art. It’s what inspired me to become an artist, and it led me into the field of erotic illustration as well as comic book drawing and paperback-cover painting.
Growing up in the early 60’s provided me with many opportunities to see various erotic scenes on television. After watching these scenes I would often try to recreate them on paper (or enact it with a certain girl in the neighborhood). Fortunately I had a decent drawing ability, and soon found I could achieve a likeness of the actress as well. I took great care in obtaining accuracy of positions and angles. I also paid attention to her dress wear. High heeled shoes and knee-high boots, showing lots of leg are other special turn-ons to me.

In high school my notes from class were intermixed with sketches of various studies: girls in cheerleader uniforms, leg wear, footwear, etc. All were done from observation or memory. Guys who saw my drawings began to ask for drawings of certain girls or movie stars involved in various fantasy situations. It was an early version of the custom order business I’d later provide.

My career as a professional illustrator began after college. My taste for women in bizarre attire led me to super hero books, where the heroines dressed in wild clothing. The same can be said for my sci-fi book covers. Yet it was working for Friendship Studios that began my deep involvement with erotic illustration.

During this time I also had the opportunity to illustrate a complete book, and also I was able to begin a professional custom art service. Over the years we were together I must have drawn close to a thousand personal requests.

Afterwards I concerned myself more with regular illustration, portrait and cover paintings while keeping a steady custom order clientele. I also did some work for a number of well-known erotic publications.

Many times I’ve been asked how my drawings evolve. I tend to work from imagination, starting with a basic idea. It may be a certain situation, woman, position, etc., that sets the wheels in motion. I do a full size sketch, working out details, then I transfer onto Bristol Board (11” x 14”). The drawing is usually rendered in black Prismacolor, a wax pencil that seldom smears. If I need reference, I find a photo that is similar, or get my wife to pose.

When doing custom work, my major concern is that the buyer be pleased with the result. I carefully consider what his fantasy is all about, as well as stressing detail and creating a good likeness.